May 25, 2012

Abstract in configuration project

Abstraction indicates a departure from reality in depiction of imagery in art.
This arrangement of the previous 6 drawings was carefully considered before piecing together 12 pieces to form a large scale work measuring approximately 2 metres x 1 metre. More coloured pencil drawing over the joins connect these Westie dogs to the old suitcases. Maybe the title of this artwork should be "Going Somewhere ?"

May 7, 2012

Drawing - straight from the heart

After rescuing two 7 year old West Highland Terriers, made redundant from a puppy farm recently, I was inspired to include them in a current art school drawing project. Harry, Jenna and the old suitcases have been drawn with coloured pencils on a finely textured paper. In our next class these 6 drawings ( the brief being 3 from the natural world & 3 from the man made world ) will merge together to make one drawing. I'm hoping to create an image with multiple messages for a viewer.